Your request must be sent by email at with the most details possible such as the date you received your order, your order number, the order condition.

If your request is accepted, the goods must be sent in perfect condition, non used and in original packaging.

The customer shall have a period of 14 calendar days from the delivery date to exercise its right of withdrawal and to ask for the refund of the goods ordered.

Return and return shipping cost including taxes are your responsibility and it is upon you to pay them. You will receive a refund of your order after the items is returned back and in our possession. Initial shipping cost is not refundable.

Any Product damaged, already used, with traces of use, changed or not returned in the original packaging shall not be, in any circumstances, subject to the exercise of the withdrawal right.

We guarantee that all products are conform to the use for which they are expected and present no faults or hidden defects that render them dangerous or unsuited to their normal use.

In case you receive a faulty product you must send first an email to with the most details possible, this product will be fully refunded or replaced.

We will replace or refund the product and refund the cost of your postage when we are in receipt of it.